The 'wave' properties of macroscopic matter are not apparent because the wavelength is undetectably small. 宏观物质的波动特性不明显,因为其波长很短,难以被察觉。
The properties of matter, the laws of nature, do the rest. 其余的事便由物质的性质即自然规律去做。
So it's a science that's based on macroscopic properties of matter. 所以它是一门,基于物质宏观性质的科学。
Survey of basic electromagnetic phenomena: electrostatics, magnetostatics, electromagnetic properties of matter. 简单介绍电磁学的基本现象:包含静电学、静磁学、物质的电磁特性。
It turns out that when you're talking about macroscopic properties of matter, you don't need very many variables to describe the system completely thermodynamically. 实际上,当你谈及物质的宏观性质时,你并不需要很多变量才能从热力学上,完整地描述这个系统。
It is important to measure meson productions in heavy ion collisions in order to understand the dynamics of heavy ion reactions and the properties of nuclear matter. 在量子分子动力学模型框架下,研究了在中能重离子反应中单个核子的运动形态是规则的还是混沌的,它与反应系统的整体性质、反应机制是有关联的。
But he most important intellectual legacy of Descartes is really this ideal of a mechanistic science of the world, based on the simple mathematical properties of extended matter. 他最为宝贵的精神遗产,便是世间的机械论科学,都植根于简单的数学特性以及一些延伸领域。
Can one predict the structure and properties of matter from a knowledge of the atomic constituents alone? 人们是否能仅仅通过原子结构就预测物质的结构和性能。
Properties of nuclear matter and neutron star are described in relativistic mean field theory with density-dependent effective interactions. 基于密度相关有效相互作用的相对论平均场理论,研究了核物质和中子星的性质。
Effects of Isospin and Momentum-dependent Interactions on Thermal Properties of Nuclear Matter 核物质热力学性质的同位旋和动量相关性
They tried to explain, in all sorts of way, those properties of matter which had been discovered. 他们想出种种办法来解释被发现的物质特性。
Is it possible to develop multi-scale methods ( both in time and space) to predict the properties of matter? 通过多种尺度方法(在时间和空间尺度上)来预测物质的性质是否可能?
Engineering is the art and science by which the properties of matter and the sources of power in nature are made use of in structures, machines, and fabricated parts. 工程学是使自然界中的物质的性能和动力源在结构、机器和制件中得到应用的艺术和科学。
The effect of curing agent on adhesive properties of volatile matter, shear strength, glass transmission temperature and curing temperature were researched. 研究了酚醛树脂固化剂对酚醛树脂挥发份、粘接强度、玻璃化转温度、固化温度等的影响,确定了固化剂和酚醛树脂最佳固化比例。
In this paper, the propagation properties of matter waves through the joint between two atomic waveguides are investigated. 物质波在原子波导中的传播特性是原子光学的重要研究课题之一。
A chiral hadronic model is applied to the investigation of the influences of temperature on the properties of dense matter with neutrino trapping. 把FST模型应用于温度对有中微子束缚的致密物质性质的研究中。
The Properties of Matter is one of the four sets of science textbooks for junior middle school of U.S.A. in project STC/ MS. The four sets of science textbooks, which are developed by the National Scientific Resource Center ( NSRC) of U.S.A. 美国初中科学教材《PropertiesofMatter》是配合美国《国家科学教育标准》具体实施的、由美国国家科学资源中心(NSRC)组织编写的STC/MS计划中四套初中科学教材中的一套。
A study of the properties of a-nuclear matter ∧核物质性质的研究
A Computerized System for Calculating Physical Properties of Matter 计算机化物性系统的实现
Thermodynamical Properties of Nuclear Matter With Extended Skyrme Forces 核物质热力学性质的扩展Skyrme力研究
Starting from the underlying interdependence of the properties of matter and its constitution, this article illustrates the principle of constitutional statistical analysis. 本文从物性与结构的内在联系,阐明了结构统计解析法的原理。
The object of the research is the chemical part in Properties of Matter. 本研究的研究对象是美国初中科学教材《PropertiesofMatter》中的化学部分。
If the students get inactive influence during the conception learning, they will have a sensitivity hindrance, so as to influence the generalization of the different properties of the matter, as well as the form of the mathematics conception. 如果学生在概念学习时,受到经验的消极影响,就会造成主体对数学对象的感知障碍,以至于影响对事物各种属性的概括,当然也影响到数学概念的形成。
Even the same soil type, the properties of organic matter were different in different plant cover. 同一种土壤,因植被类型不同有机质性质也有差异。
Nowadays, more and more people are concerned for the study about the nonlinear optical properties of condensed matter. 现今,对于凝聚态物质非线性光学性质的研究备受关注。
While rest four diagenesis facies developing zones have weak properties of matter and always turned into diagenetic tight zones. 优质储层常出现在弱压实绿泥石薄膜胶结相和浊沸石长石溶蚀相的发育区,而其余四种成岩相发育区则物性差,常成为成岩致密带。
The dissertation includes: 1. Based on the predecessors 'studies, the properties of granular matter are systematically discussed. 主要工作是:1、在前人研究的基础上,系统讨论了颗粒物质的属性。
Structures and properties of condensed matter at extreme conditions have become one main focus in modern physics, materials science and information science. 极端条件下(如极低温、强磁场、高压等)凝聚态物质结构和性质的研究,已成为当今物理学、材料学和信息科学关注的热点。
Modern scientific evidence that the universe is made of matter, energy, the basic properties of matter, everything in the universe is the existence of energy in space and time. 现代科学证明宇宙是由物质构成的,能量是物质的基本属性,宇宙问的一切事物都是能量在时空中的存在方式。